
Sterling Silver Medals

Sindone - The Holy Shroud Medal

Sindone - The Holy Shroud sterling silver 925 medal The Shroud is a linen sheet whose weave is a herringbone pattern made in the ancient Egypt manner before Christ. It measures 442 cm long by 113 cm high plus a 8 cm strip sewed lengthwise. On the tissue there is a faint impression of an image, the frontal and dorsal one of a man who suffered the death of...
Sterling Silver Medals

St. Rosalia Medal

St. Rosalia sterling silver 925 medal She practiced great mortifications and lived in constant communion with God. Afterward she transferred her abode to Mount Pellegrino, about three miles from Palermo, in order to triumph entirely over the instincts of flesh and blood, in sight of her paternal home. She is said to have appeared after death and to have...
Sterling Silver Medals

St. Paul Medal

St. Paul sterling silver 925 medal Paul's conversion can be dated to 33 and took place on the road to Damascus where he experienced a vision of the resurrected Jesus after which he was temporarily blinded. Paul's influence on Christian thinking has been more significant than any other New Testament author. Paul exalted the Christian church as the body of...
Sterling Silver Medals

Holy Spirit Medal

Holy Spirit sterling silver 925 medal The meaning of The Holy Spirit and The Holy Ghost are identical and is  one of the three persons of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit enable the believers them to live a righteous and faithful life. When Christ comes up from the water of His Baptism, the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, comes down upon him and remains...
Sterling Silver Medals

St. Rita of Cascia medal

St. Rita of Cascia sterling silver 925 medal One day, while living at the convent Rita said, "Please let me suffer like you, Divine Saviour". Suddenly, a thorn from a figure of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ fell from the crown of thorns and left a deep wound in Rita's forehead. This wound never healed and caused her great suffering for the rest of her...
Sterling Silver Medals

St. Andrew the Apostle Medal

St. Andrew the Apostle sterling silver 925 medal Andrew was the brother of Simon Peter and both were fisnerman so  Jesus called them to be his disciples by saying that he will make them "fishers of men".Andrew have been martyred by crucifixion in Greece. Early texts, describe Andrew as bound, not nailed, to a X-shaped cross, now commonly known as a "Saint...
Sterling Silver Medals

St. Therese of Lisieux Medal

St. Therese of Lisieux sterling silver 925 medal Therese is known for her "Little Way." Because of her station in a Carmelite convent, Therese realized that she would not be able to achieve "great deeds" as saints often did, and so must find another way to express her love of God. She wrote, "Love proves itself by deeds, so how am I to show my love? Great...
Sterling Silver Medals

Cupido Medal

Cupid sterling silver 925 medal Cupid is not an Angel but since the medieval times artists often used a similar type of figure in both religious and secular works.  Even today cherubic angels and cupids are sometimes mistaken for each other.
Sterling Silver Medals

Michelangelo's Pieta Medal

Michelangelo's Pieta sterling silver 925 medal The Pietà is a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture by the renowned artist Michelangelo Buonarroti, housed in St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City.It depicts the body of Jesus on the lap of his mother Mary after the Crucifixion. At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father
Sterling Silver Medals

St Clare Medal

St Clare sterling silver 925 medal Clare was inspired by the preaching of St. Francis of Assisi. She ran away from home to join St. Francis, who gave her an undyed tunic to wear and cut off her hair. She  lived a very simple life and devoted herself to God. Once, an army of soldiers came to attack Assisi and the convent. St. Clare, though very ill, held...
Sterling Silver Medals

Divine Mercy Medal

Divine Mercy sterling silver 925 medal On February, 1931, Sister Maria Faustina Kowalska had a vision of Jesus. He said, "paint an image according to the pattern you see with the signature: JESUS I TRUST IN YOU. I promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish. I also promise victory over (its) enemies already here on earth,...
Sterling Silver Medals

St. Joseph Medal

Sterling Silver 925 medal, Joseph was "a just man". This praise bestowed by the Holy Ghost, and the privilege of having been chosen by God to be the foster-father of Jesus and the spouse of the Virgin Mother, are the foundations of the honour paid to St. Joseph by the Church.Pope Pius IX proclaimed Saint Joseph the patron of the Universal Church in 1870,...
Sterling Silver Medals

St. Anthony of Padua Medal

Saint Anthony of Padua sterling silver 925 medal Saint Anthony  is the "quickest" saint in the history of the Catholic Church because he was canonized by Pope Gregory IX less than one year after his death on the 30th of May of 1232.He is known as the marriage saint, because legend has him as one who conciliated couples and he is especially invoked for the...
Sterling Silver Medals

Mother Theresa Medal

Mother Theresa sterling silver 925 medal "Keep the joy of loving God in your heart and share this joy with all you meet especially your family. Be holy – let us pray."Over the years, Mother Teresa created many homes for the dying and the unwanted from Calcutta to New York to Albania. At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy...
Sterling Silver Medals

Pope Francis Medal

Pope Francis Sterling Silver medal Wonderful Medal with the image of the Holy Father, Pope Francis, on it. At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father
John Paul II medal
Product available with different options
Sterling Silver Medals

John Paul II Medal

John Paul II medal Sterling Silver Medal   The Venerable Pope John Paul II reigned as Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church and Sovereign of Vatican City from 16 October 1978 until his death on 2 April 2005. Since then a number of clergy at the Vatican and laymen throughout the world have been referring to the late pontiff as "John Paul the...
Sterling Silver Medals

Playing Angel Sterling Silver Medal

Playing Angel Sterling Silver Medal Originally, Cherubs and Putti had distinctly different roles, with the former being sacred, and the latter, profane. That is, Cherubs and Seraphs  are Angels, occupying the highest angelic orders in Heaven and are thus the closest to God. On the other hand, Putti which comes from the Latin, putus, meaning 'little man' –...
Sterling Silver Medals

The Redentor Medal

The Redentor medal Sterling silver 925 medal    “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. Truly I say to you whoever believes has eternal life. ….here is the bread that comes down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever."   At your request we will bring it to...
Sterling Silver Medals

Padre Pio Medal

Padre Pio Sterling silver 925 medal Padre Pio is the first stigmatized priest in the history of the Church.His life  reveal his very deep union with God, his burning love for the Blessed Eucharist and our Blessed Lady. On 16th of June 2002 John Paul II declared Padre Pio Saint. At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father
Semi Precious Rosaries

Benedict XVI Hematite Rosary

Benedict XVI Hematite Rosary - 6mm beads At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father Crucifix cm 5x2 inches 2x0,8 - Beads 6mm 0,24in Lenght 46cm 18,1in
Sterling Silver Medals

St. Francis from Assisi Medal

St. Francis from Assisi sterling silver 925 medal At your request, we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father
Sterling Silver Medals

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Medal

Carmel Virgin Mary sterling silver 925 medal Our Lady of Mount Carmel is the patroness of the Carmelite Order. At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father
Sterling Silver Medals

St. Christopher Silver Medal

St. Christopher sterling silver 925 medal A hermit suggested to Christopher that, because of his size and strength, he could serve Christ helping people to cross a dangerous river. After some time a little child asked for his help, reveling after the cross to be Christ and proclaiming Christopher the carrier of the world’s burden. At your request we will...
A beautiful rosary featuring colorful, glass beads and a Jubilee 2025 logo medal centerpiece. Includes a gold-colored, round metal box with a floral lid design and embossed Jubilee 2025 logo. Made in Italy. At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father.

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