Eucharist Crucifix
The Christ's Body on a Crucifix made by wine grapes, remembering the symbols of Eucharist. Heavy solid metal Crucifix.
Available in 2 different sizes:
Big: cm 24x14 - inches 9,4 x 5,5 (USD 149)
Small: cm 12x7 - Inches 4,7x2,76 (USD 73)
At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father
The Christ's Body on a Crucifix made by wine grapes, remembering the symbols of Eucharist.
Available in 2 different sizes:
Big: cm 24x14 - inches 9,4 x 5,5 (USD 149)
Small: cm 12x7 - Inches 4,7x2,76 (USD 73)
At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father