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Aventurina Rosary 6mm beads Aventurina Rosary 6mm beads 2
Precious Rosaries

Aventurina Rosary 6mm Beads

Precious Rosary in Aventurina: a light green trasparent stone.It is entirely made in certified 925 sterling silver. At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father. Crucifix cm 4 x 2,5 inches 1,6 x 1 - Beads 6mm 0,24in Length 43cm 16,9in
Absolute Silver Rosary Absolute Silver Rosary 2
Precious Rosaries

Absolute Silver Rosary

Precious Rosary entirely made in certified sterling silver. The beads, the chain, the center and the Crucifix are made in silver with different treatments: bright and satined. At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father. Crucifix cm 3,5 x 2 inches 1,4 x 0,8 - Beads 6mm 0,24in Length 44cm 17,33in
Faceted silver crystal Rosary Necklace with Baroque Crucifix. At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father
Blue Cloisonne small Rosary Cloisonné is an ancient technique for decorating metalwork objects using enamel and other materials. The decoration is formed by first adding compartments (cloisons in French) to the metal and after adding relief decoration on every bead. Crucifix cm 3,5x2,5  in 1,4 x 1 - Beads 6mm 0,23in Length 43cm 16,9in At your request we...
Four Basilicas Black Rosary
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Rosary made by colored glass with particular glittering effects. The Rosary is composed also with four medals representing the most important Basilicas in Rome At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father Crucifix cm 5x2 inches 2x0,8 - Beads 6mm 0,23in Length 55cm 21,7 in
Semi Precious Rosaries

Wave Beads Hematite Rosary

Rosary in Hematite, a semiprecious stone with splendid metallic reflections. The beads of this Rosary have a sinuous shape. At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father.  Crucifix cm 4,7 x 3 - inches 1,8 x 1,2 - Beads 8mm 0,3 in - Lenght 57 cm 22,4 in
Alpha Omega Cross Pendant Gold plated At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father Size 0,9x0,86 inches - 2,4x2,2 cm
Precious Rosaries

Deep Blue Agata Rosary

This Rosary is made entirely in certified sterling silver 925, with Deep Blue Agata 6 mm beads. It is a preciuos Rosary with blue trasparent stone. At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father Crucifix cm4x2,5 inches 1,6 x 1 - Beads 6mm 0,24in Length 42cm 16,55in
A small masterpiece: the Lourdes Virgin Mary in wood completely hand carved and hand painted kept in a wooden casket. Height cm 17 - inches 6,7 - Base diameter 6,6 mm - 2,5 inches At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father
Wood & Metal Crucifixes

Sculptured Table Crucifix

Heavvy sculptured metal table Crucifix (cm 19x11 - Inches 7,4x4,3) Sculptured Crucifix with scenes of the Passion and Resurrection of Christ. It is made on Italian artists design. At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father
Sterling Silver Medals

St. Paul Medal

St. Paul sterling silver 925 medal Paul's conversion can be dated to 33 and took place on the road to Damascus where he experienced a vision of the resurrected Jesus after which he was temporarily blinded. Paul's influence on Christian thinking has been more significant than any other New Testament author. Paul exalted the Christian church as the body of...

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