pope francis free gifts
pope francis rosary

We have selected some free gifts for you.

You will receive one for free with your order.

Pope Francis Rosary

This Rosary has the cross worn by Pope Francis. It is called “the Good Shepherd” cross.

Pope Francis Metal Roses Rosary

The Pope Francis Rosary made with Metal Roses Beads, has the Pope medal as center and the Pastoral Crucfix.
pope francis metal rose rosary
pope francis silver icon

Pope Francis Mother Of Pearl Rosary

The Pope Francis Rosary in Mother of Pearl, has the Pope medal as center and the Good Shepherd Crucfix.

Pope Francis Table Crucifix

At the top of the cross, the dove representing the Holy Spirit descends from God the Father to God the Son, helping those who are lost and in darkness, and bringing them new life

Size: 13 x 8,3 cm - 5,1 x 3,2 inches

pope francis table crucifix

This is the new Pope Francis Gift Collection.

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a Special Blessed Gift for your loved ones and your children.

You can choose one of them on the checkout page.

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