
Metal Roses Rosary 4 Basilicas

Metal Roses Rosary 4 Basilicas

Metal Roses Rosary 4 Basilicas

This Rosary has metal roses beads (8mm beads) and the Pastoral Crucifix (copy of the Crucifix the Holy Father brings during the Audiences).

Crucifix cm 6x2  inches 2,3x0,8 - Beads 8mm 0,31in Length 54cm 21,2in

At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father


This Rosary has metal roses beads (8mm beads) and the Pastoral Crucifix (copy of the Crucifix the Holy Father brings during the Audiences).

Crucifix cm 6x2  inches 2,3x0,8 - Beads 8mm 0,31in Length 54cm 21,2in

At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father